Wednesday, June 5, 2019

More Yoga.

It does seem like I’m talking about yoga on here a lot?  I’ve made a really special connection with a lodge here in Zambia called The Royal Zambezi (  If you ever come to Zambia, I will take you to this magical place. 

I’ve taught a couple of yoga retreats at this lodge and did one again last month.  All of them have been great but this was just over-the-top good.  I’ve already raved about the lodge, but I also had an amazing group of powerful, interesting, courageous women who connected really well with each other and were just that fun to be around!  I am not the most flexible or most profound and definitely don’t know all there is to know about every aspect or limb of yoga but I love teaching yoga. Being in the company of such great women reminded me that we are all great teachers and also hopefully great students.  Thank you, universe, for a much needed weekend.