Monday, October 24, 2011


I really do not like summers in Africa. And, yet, it’s that time of year again and I am enduring yet another summer here. Today it was almost 100 miserable degrees. Now I can hear my fellow Arizona friends saying, “We’ve had higher temperatures. That’s nothing to concern yourself with?” Okay. Let me explain the many differences. Most of you live in insulated houses with lovely air-conditioning. You do not walk long distances carrying water or wood or just getting from place to place - you have nice, air-conditioned cars. You also have running water to take a shower when you get all sweaty and smelly and disgusting.  Nope, we do not have these luxuries.  When it is 100 degrees it is just, well, awful. Most people try to find a small piece of shade and simply plant themselves in that spot for the rest of the day. And, then you sweat and sweat and sweat. And then talk about how hot it is…while sweating some more.

I tried to participate in life today during this heatwave. I walked to work…getting bitten by the many ants who also inhabit the dirt paths this time of year (remember my awful horror of the ants last year...well, the ants are back..also another reason I dislike summer here).  Then, I sweated while working.   Oh, and I sweated while walking home from work and I sweated while I sat outside talking to my friends and family waiting for it to cool down a bit (it didn't) after I got home from work. And I am now sitting in my little room. Sweating.

Ahh…summers in Africa. I can’t wait until tomorrow.

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