Monday, July 16, 2012

One step at a time.

So before I tell you about what’s happening for the rest of my life, I’ll tell you about the next few weeks.  One step at a time, one step at a time.  Being unemployed for the last couple of months has been quite the journey.  I find myself oscillating between loving having all the time in the world to take yoga classes, go on long runs or try new workout classes, drink chai tea (I'm obsessed), read books, hang out with friends, watch lots of mindless TV/movies and….going crazy having the time to do all of these things.  

So, I’ve decided to take a vacation.  Makes perfect sense, don’t you think?  I’ll be going to Europe with my Peace Corps “family” – Michelle and Chuck.  I’m really looking forward to not only being in Switzerland but to seeing my amazing friends again.  While we’ll be staying in a little town called Steinhausen (which is outside Zurich), we are going to try to maybe visit Italy and France as well as do some camping and hiking in the mountains (in the Alps, of course). 

While this isn’t exactly the best time to go (seeing as I don’t have a job) I figured when would I ever have this time since I hope that one day I will be employed again.  And since we have a free place to stay (Michelle and Chuck are doing a home swap so hooray for free) I am also justifying my vacation since it will be so "cheap."  I’ve also discovered something that I am in need of…a reconnection with my Peace Corps family.  I want to talk about silly Peace Corps stuff and do a bit of reminiscing about the life I left behind.  It’s been amazing how much I have relied on this extended family, not only Michelle and Chuck, but many of my Peace Corps friends during my transition home.  It’s weird how these previous strangers have become part of my family and will now always be part of my life.  

So, for now, I’ll jump on a plane and do a bit of traveling.  And then I’ll start the next chapter of my life.     

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