Over the past year I haven’t done a
very good job of posting on here. When I
was in Peace Corps I had so much time…now I’m back in the world of work. But I look back on the things that I wrote here
and I love having this sort of documentation of my life. What I was thinking. What I was doing. So, even if it’s just a random post (like
this one will be) I’ll try to keep making an effort. So, today, some thoughts.
- My family extends beyond the boundaries of one country. Even one continent.
- I’m am lucky to have a job. I get to do amazing work every day.
- I love to drink wine with good friends. Responsibly of course.
- Raising a dog and letting them sleep in my bed (against my better judgment) is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
- I want to one day write a book for my family full of good advice like I heard this weekend.
- Lying in bed the entire day is still one of the most amazing ways to spend a day. Ever.
- I really should stop eating crackers and calling it a “meal.”
- I am terrible at reversing. Terrible.
- I wish I could stay at a club all night and just dance without anyone judging me for staying at a club all night and dancing.
- I love Africa.