Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Weekends in Maputo.

This past weekend I had a friend decide to visit at the last minute.  While I love having visitors, you have to realize I am in a new country where I don’t know…anything.  I’m pretty immobile without a car, I can’t really speak the language yet, I don’t really know anyone outside of work and I’m not that clear where things are if you were to ask me about shopping or restaurants or, well…anything.  So showing a visitor around is a bit tough.  But, luckily, we made it work and figured things out together.  Walking along the beach, sipping coffee at a small little cafĂ© (that we got lost trying to walk to), finding a very helpful person willing to do some sign language ordering (and using google translate to supplement), having drinks with extended family, and then taking a beautiful boat ride with some newly acquired friends to the most amazing little beach (although both of us got a bit sick it was still worth it).  All in all it was a great weekend and I always feel lucky in times like this when I’m struggling to find my way.  It’s like the universe knows that I need a little support.  Or maybe that’s just my friends who know.  So, thank you. 

I’ve put up a few pictures over there to the right so take a look!