Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas in Zambia.

Last year I stayed in Zambia for the holidays.  I thought maybe I would be lonely or sad that I wasn’t getting out of town, but it actually turned out to be a nice, quiet time.  So, I did it again this year.  I do like traveling around the holidays but it’s just so stressful (and expensive).  Instead,  I’ve just been working, dog sitting, watching Netflix (I started the series Prison Break which now that I’m telling you this it doesn’t sound very Christmas-y but I’m really loving it anyway), and getting some extra massages and pedicures.  I helped cooked a turkey for the first time on Christmas day which is kind of strange because I’m a vegetarian but I’m enjoying cooking for the first time in my life and it was also made better by drinking some mimosas (and I did cook other veg dishes)!  It would have been lovely to be with family and if I could easily have gotten myself home in a couple of hours then of course I would have done it but sometimes wherever you go, there you are, right?  And Zambia is my home right now.  I mentioned this a few posts ago, but this will be a decade (10 years!!!) that I’ve been living abroad.  That’s sort of unbelievable to me.  I’m not sure what 2020 will bring but I know it will be a memorable year.  I don’t really make new year’s resolutions, but I like the idea of the new year bringing about new beginnings and creating new stories to tell.  So I'll continue to enjoy my holiday time in Zambia this year because who knows what my story will look like next year?!