Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thank you.

On the eve of Thanksgiving, I thought that I should reflect upon just a few of those things that I am thankful for in my ever evolving life here in South Africa.

Piet. Piet is my host father here in South Africa and can make a really crappy day turn around quickly. When I come home he is quick to joke around with me and give me a hard time. Piet inspires me in so many ways.

Time. I’ve never had so much time on my hands in my life. To sit and read. Or talk to Piet. Or write in my journal. Or go for a walk. Listen to the kids play next door (or join in). Sleep. Practice yoga.

Fans (the ones that cool you off). It is so hot and I will never, ever take air conditioning or rainy days (snow, for that matter) or any type of coolness for granted again.

Kind, helpful taxi drivers. Speaks for itself.

Water. The lack of water is one of the biggest challenges in my area (and many parts of rural South Africa). When I have access to water, I am grateful.

My friends and family. I have a deep appreciation for my family more so than I have probably in my entire life. Being away has made me recognize the simplicity of being together with the people you love.

I hope that everyone simply appreciates being with their friends and family on Thanksgiving.

Happy Tofurkey Day.

1 comment:

  1. I'll miss being with you this year but I won't stop thinking about you. I'm off to my brother's tonight (could be crazy for flying) and look forward to giving my nephew a 1000 kisses. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is such a good reminder of everything I take for granted. Thanks for being my inspiration - you're on an amazing journey!
