It's strange to be preparing yet again to leave. Strangely, I have those same feelings I had almost 3 years ago when I left for South Africa. I am anxious, thrilled, worried, ecstatic, sad…I thought I would be more prepared having gone through this before but it’s still sort of overwhelming. I feel like I haven’t packed the right things or said goodbye to everyone or followed up on some outstanding issue. So, on the eve of my departure, I thought I would do something very important. Post some pictures on my blog (check out the link on over there to the right).
Can’t wait to meet you Zambia…prepared or not.
Self-portrait of me while gathering items from storage out of parent's garage in Colorado. |
I love the pic of you guys in CA and the ones with your nephews. You and your sister stand the same and have the same great smile - if the caption didn't say it was your sister, I would have thought it was you!