Saturday, June 4, 2011

A New Comrade.

It’s been an insane week. One that I probably won’t forget.

Last Sunday, May 29, 2011, I completed the Comrades Marathon ( This is a huge race here in South Africa that brings almost 20,000 runners from almost 60 countries together to complete an insane course – 56 miles from Durban to Pietermaritzburg. Yes, that’s two back-to-back marathons in one day. I don’t really know why I thought I needed to train and participate in this year’s race – it seemed a bit like I was telling myself if I could get through this run, I could get through anything? Well, I am happy to report that I made it! And not only did I make it but I actually finished with a reasonably decent time – 9 ½ hours. This is about 3 hours slower than the fastest female (those ladies are crazy fast!) and three hours faster than the slowest finishers (and several thousand don’t even finish the race)? And, I ran the entire race (of course not my fastest pace but I just kept putting one foot in front of the other). Kind of like my Peace Corps service? :)

Unfortunately, about 30 minutes after I finished the race I learned that all of my things had been stolen at the start of the race. My backpack and all of its contents – my passport, money, credit cards, clothes, camera...and the list goes on.  So, after learning this sad, sad news, in my barely coherent state (my body was at its limit), my fellow Peace Corps friends helped me (literally) walk to the car where they let me borrow clothes (remember all I had was the running clothes I had just finished running many miles in), bought me a meal and a bus ticket to Pretoria for the next day where I proceeded to try to get all of my life back in order.  As I said, it's been an insane week.

Now, week later I keep telling myself it could have been worse – I am fine. It’s just stuff. But my faith has taken a bit of a beating. But it will slowly come back. And what helps is my wonderful friends and family. Thank you everyone for helping me out and reminding me what is important.  I love you all.

Oh and to see a picture of your newest Comrade (me)! you can check out my facebook page where my friend posted some pictures. 

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