Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Doing some math.

I find that the times that I am most content/fulfilled/happy come when I am just hanging out with the kids. I have developed a little following of “students” that like when I give them math problems – you know, basic addition, subtraction, multiplication stuff. At first I started just writing them on a piece of scrap paper but then I got them interested in using the computer where there is a math game that we can play (and they find the robot that says “Good Job!” or “Well done!” quite amusing). So then our math games evolved into me making up short “tests” which consist of me giving them a few questions such as “What color is the sky?” and “Who is the President of South Africa?” After the test, I check their answers. It's quite fun and they seem to enjoy it. Plus, it gives me a chance to practice some language while also helping the kids with their English.
So if anyone has any math flash cards or also word/picture flash cards (with basic English words on one side with a picture of the item on the other to donate), please send them my way.  And, yes, I am wearing one of the terrible skirts that I seem to wear all the time now. 

1 comment:

  1. I plan on doing something similar with my DIC.
