Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Disgustingly inspired.

The Roedean Girls
Wow. It’s been an amazing week. I feel so…inspired (thus the title of this blog). We just finished hosting a group of high school girls from Johannesburg (Grade 11) at my organization. They came to the village to stay for five days to help with projects at our centres but more than that it was about learning and growing. Seeing what life in rural South Africa is like because, although they live in the same country, it’s a different world out here where water is scarce, poverty is rampant and life can be really difficult.

I have to say I was terribly impressed. They were a great group of 15 dynamic girls who really wanted to be here and learn. They jumped right in and were great with the kids…making fast friends and easy connections despite the language barrier. I was deeply inspired and it renewed my energy. And, I got to teach them a little bit of yoga! 

We set up a blog where the girls recorded their thoughts during the week which I will put a link"(see my links to the right) to if you are interested in reading about their journey (plus, I am going to put up all of the pictures there so you can see how much fun we had)!

Oh, and I told them all about you – my wonderful friends and family back home.

I love and miss you all.

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