Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Some days are "too difficult."

I must tell you about my day on Saturday. I was supposed to run in an event called the “Mayor’s Marathon.” I thought this event had been planned for quite some time because it seems to be an annual event (my first time competing of course) but it’s been quite challenging to pull information from people about the actual details so who knows? Well, the day before the race I was trying to figure out where I was supposed to go for the start of the race and people started saying that they “heard” it was postponed? I am not exactly sure why…something about a party was being hosted for the mayor and this seemed to be a conflict. I sent a text message to someone I hoped would know and sure enough the race wasn’t happening. Now, I’m not exactly sure how they told all of the other runners but I just try to not ask questions sometimes. The race is now happening next Saturday just so you know (wish me luck that I figure out the details).
Since I wasn’t doing my race, I decided to go to town (I did run anyway since the race does seem to be happening next week now…we’ll see)! After my run and bucket bath (yes, bucket bath every day!), I went to the road to catch my usual taxi. Well, this particular taxi was overloaded meaning they put too many people in the taxi with the assumption that some are getting off sooner rather than later. Too bad for the driver that the traffic cops were out and we were stopped. I found it strange though that the driver was smart enough to recognize they were being stopped and pulled over before the road block to change drivers because he was driving on an expired license (don’t ask) yet he didn’t think about the overloaded taxi so was fined anyway.

Then, coming back from town, I was accosted by one very drunk man who said he loved me and would in fact marry me (he even gave me a pair of earrings as a sign of his devotion). I have received this kind of attention before but it was a bit excessive. Luckily, I had the help of a few kind women on the taxi and they helped rid me of my potential future husband.

Upon returning to the village, I was greeted by my friend at the local shop telling me I am looking very “fat.” While I thanked her for her kind words (she also told me I’m looking quite wrinkly and red and need to wear a hat), I explained that this would be considered rude in my culture (she didn’t care). She said it means I am happy in the village – that I have an open heart. So I reciprocated and said she also looks very “fat.” 

Ugh. Some days are "too difficult."  This phrase (too difficult) can be said to most people here and they understand the meaning so I say it a lot. 

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