Saturday, January 2, 2010

What to do when you don't have a job. And are leaving for South Africa.

I should probably be doing something else because I feel like I have a lot to do.  But, I'm not really doing much.  Poking around on the Peace Corps journal website and reading lots of blogs about current and future travels of volunteers and thinking about how unprepared I feel (but a huge thank you to those who have detailed packing lists on your blogs - these have been very helpful)!  I figure I'll really get ready in a few more days.  But I only have 4 weeks or so left before I leave.  Ugh. 

Mostly, though, I am spending time with family here in beautiful Colorado.  It's strange not to have a job.  No emails to respond to and no worrying about project deadlines.  It feels like I'm still on vacation from work.  In a strange way (maybe not though?), it's been hard to let go of that place.

But, for now, I will enjoy playing some ninja games or guitar hero or snowboarding on the wii - or we'll just play them all at once as you can see from this picture.  Good times.    


1 comment:

  1. Ah.. another SA21 group member! I'm totally at the same stage as you. Sub teaching here and there, but nothing else.. just winding down here and gearing up for South Africa!
